Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tuesday - Norfolk to Suffolk

Tuesday we woke up and were quite surprised to hear rain! We joked it was because we had bought Mike some shorts. We were worried we would be stuck in the rain without our sweatshirts. It was so sunny we had left them all in London!

We had breakfast as Jon popped in to work a little. Mike and I had peanut butter toast which is their dogs favorite. Brody had his head on Bree's lap and Tigger went from Mike to Bree and back again. When we were done we gave them each a little bit and they were quite pleased with us. After Jon got back we all piled in the car and headed for a long walk with the dogs. Sarah takes them for an hour to and hour and a half walk everyday as both breeds need lots of exercise. We went near the river and went for a little more than an hour. Tigger stays on leash because as a Saluki, if he were to run he may not come back as he would never tire! Brody was able to be off leash at a certain point but likes to walk behind because he "knows his place in the pack." The countryside was beautiful and we saw boats on the river and foals and horses in the fields. On the way back we stopped for some lattes (still water for Bree) before heading back to the house.

We gathered are stuff and said goodbye to Sarah, the dogs and the cats and Jon drove us down in Saxmundham. We were able to drop our stuff at our inn, the White Hart, before grabbing some lunch. We decided to go to the Bell Hotel down the street a little bit for lunch as Jon had been there before to vouch for it. Apparently lunch business was slow in town and so they offered what they called a "Market Lunch" which was two courses for 7.50 and three for 10.50. We all opted for that and had different combinations of the three courses: potted shrimp with spinach, lamb and fruit & sorbet. It was absolutely delicious! Very posh but very affordable. After lunch we said goodbye to Jon and got ready to meet Rosemary.

Rosemary came and found us and we set off to tour Suffolk a little bit. We went to nearby Snape, where John & Maggie's second home is, to see the Maltings. Many maltings in the area have been shut down and become derelict. These, however, have been made into residential flats, posh shops & cafes, galleries and a music ampitheater. It sits on the edge of marshland that is protected so there were also walking trails around on boardwalks above the marsh.

From there we went to Framlingham to see the Castle and St. Michael's church. The castle is a different shape than we'd seen (a traditional square keep) and there was a walking path along the earthworks around the castle. There is a beautiful organ there, one of only a handful that survived Cromwell's destruction during the Reformation. Rosemary told us that Tom had played on that before.

After we toured with Rosemary she dropped us back off to get ready for dinner and go pick up her two youngest. On our way back from Framlingham it started to sprinkle and by the time she actually dropped us near the hotel it was an all out downpour! We grabbed some snacks from the Waitrose behind our hotel and snacked a bit while we waited. Rosemary picked us up with Jamie and William in the car and we headed to meet Tom who had ridden his bike at the Eel's Foot. Tim would meet us there after he got off of work. We grabbed a few pints (still water for Bree) and went out to the garden so the boys could play. William had managed to break his arm a few weeks ago on a trampoline and was still in a plaster. He broke his elbow so he's had to be very careful with it and have it in a sling as well.

When the kitchen opened we went in to order at the bar and grab a seat. Tim soon joined us and we all had a chance to visit. Jamie is doing well with his drama and acting and even got a voice over job for a local museum. William had partaken in "Tudor Day" at his school and everyone had had to dress up in costume and even bring a tankard for drinking. Tom is in his gap year and will be going to the Manchester's Royal College of Music in September. He's been busy writing compositions and commissions and enjoying himself. Tim's job is in a busy spot but seems to be well. The boys liked hearing about Mike's police stories and the fact that he carries a gun. We all had dinner and Mike's Cannelloni was still bubbling as it was served! After dinner we sat around and talked more as Jamie and William went running off to play. They found some chickens next door they were tempting with grass and a football to play with and a break in the trees that provided a good echo. Every once in awhile they would call Tom out to play with them and he would go like a god big brother. After dinner, and some ice cream for the youngest, we went outside to walk around a little more. Mike played goalie for the boys a little.

We said our goodbyes to Tim and Tom as they biked home in bright reflective vests and Rosemary drove us back. We were so full when we got back that we plan to crawl right in bed and go to sleep!

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